24 June 2024


My Online Food Handling Course (FHC) schedule falls on every Monday & Thursday. However, my customers can request to register the course of another day. This is the flexibility I offered to my customers. With that, they can actually attend the course without clashing with their business or working time.


On-site class on the other hand, may not be so flexible. First, customers need to abide to the set appointment and they have to arrive the set venue at the set time.  Due to FOSIM system upgrading several years ago, we need to apply the certificate number only after the class.  If students would like to receive certificates from us in the class, they need to wait for us to generate the certificates.  Whereas in online, participants just need to attend the class at their place with a laptop or smart phone, and I will courier the certificate to them the next day (at my cost). Online class is very convenient to us as we save travel cost. And, students can attend at their comfort.


Many Food Business Owners like my online class.  I guess most probably because of its convenience.  First, the training date and time could be negotiated.  For instance, if customer likes to register his / her food handlers to attend course at Tuesday as this day is their off-day, I could change the course date to Tuesday, about 1 week earlier.  After the students had registered the course, I will share You Tube video about how to get ready to attend my online class to them.  Some students watched this you tube before the class, and I noticed that student who appreciate the learning opportunity would know what to do in the class, and they will finish the class with good results.


I think the most challenging requirement of the ZOOM class for students is that they have to focus on the screen from the beginning of the class until finish.  They have to switch on the video all the time.  The entire teaching will be recorded and I will sent ZOOM recording to Health Dept for assessment.  As a trainer, I have the responsibility to make sure all students to focus the entire course. So, certain situations like student smoking, talking and laughing on other matters, turning off ZOOM video in ZOOM class, attending ZOOM class in vehicle and suddenly leaving the ZOOM screen are definitely unacceptable.  Students who didn’t understand the class rules (in fact it has been stated in the registration form) did gave me a big head ache…I had a very bad experience before. Due to some students’ non-compliance, it took me 6 hours to accomplish a 3-hours class! That was a very terrible experience. All of us are fatigue and some students gave bad evaluation on my teaching.   After several times of tolerance, I decided to remove students who didn’t complying class rule from my ZOOM class. May be some customers are not happy about it but I am sorry to explain that I have to follow the rules too. 


Some students encountered line disruptions problem in ZOOM class.  Sometimes it’s because the location which student sits does not have window.    And, sometimes it’s the Telco line problem.  On 2020, I was conducting an online course for only one student who join ZOOM class in inland of Sabah.  We are having line disruption many times and that’s is disturbing. That was because of location and the student cannot attend on-site class too. But, thanks GOD we finally managed to complete the class. I also found some students have problem with the device. Some devices, perhaps still in old version system, resulting the ZOOM not working smoothly.  Well, after several years of online class experience, I probably know that students with these technical problems would not be able to attend online course smoothly. So each time when I see these problems, I would advise students to attend my next class when they are ready. It’s not their fault of course but they are just not ready this time.       


Some students refuse to attend ZOOM class because they claimed that they are not a technology fan. In 2023, a customer told me that his food handlers do not know how to use ZOOM because they are non-educated.  Well, to confront this challenge, I then arranged an on-site course at his place. When I start showing the food handlers how to access Quizzes (for answering test), the food handlers enjoyed that very much.   Over the years, from my discovery, the wills to attend ZOOM class is very much depending on the student’s willingness to learn.  I had a 70++ years old student on early 2023.  She is not a technology-savvy. And yet she registered my class, she often asked me the know-how from the registration of the course until the end of class. Guess what, she is able to follow the entire online course and answer the tests correctly!  Not only that, she said she enjoy the online class and even gave me a good credit in my google testimony.  I have another OKU student last few months.  His mother is very worry that he cannot follow the class well.  But again, with my explanation, this boy able to focus in class, completing the course and even getting good marks for all the tests.  So, I believe that if students keen to learn, they will find the online course convenience and enjoyable.        


However, if students really do not enjoy online class, I am actually can conduct on-site class. Currently, I set my on-site class at the first Saturday of every month in my school. I had opened this for registration all the time.  If there are at least 10 students, I will confirm the class.  For physical class, students are just need to bring their smartphone! Yes! Students would answer the tests using their smartphone. Trust me, its gonna be fun!  I wish to conduct on-site classes at main cities in Sabah, like 2019.  If you have a group of food handlers who need to attend course, please feel free to contact me.  If you wish to join Food Handlers Training Course with your 20-30 friends that you have a idle chit chat when there is free time or during the waiting time of certificates, on-site class is your best choice.  


I enjoy delivering knowledge to students. I felt glad to see students able to answer questions correctly and give positive testimonies.  However, I always inform students in the class that marks are not so important here. But, practise YES.  Students should practise the food handling knowledge and build good habits in their workspace.    


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03 June 2024


In a very early morning, I received a WhatsApp message from a prospect asking if she should also need to take Food Handlers Training course. She then introduced her new career to me – She had started a Home-Based food business recently.  That’s good and I congratulate her.  I was then explained that since she was doing food business, then she needs to have all the documents that a Food Business Owner ought to have.


Each food handler in a home-based food business must register a food handler training course.   Food handlers could learn about the requirement as a food handler and the basic concept in handling food. After the course, they could start to practise the concepts for building up a habit in their workspace.   When they had familiar with the food hygiene practice initially, they would always keen to handling food in hygienic and therefore to avoid food contamination.  Food handlers would be also given an Attendance Certificate after they had completed the 3-hour course. 


After the course, each food handler could visit clinic nearby, that providing anti-typhoid vaccination service to take the vaccination.  In some cities, the local municipal council might request food handlers to buy a small Health log book and bring that book to the clinic, some cities’ Health Departments are offering the vaccination service too.  Food handlers who had been vaccinated with anti-typhoid vaccine would have the immune against Salmonella typii bacteria for 3 years.  The doctors would record the food handlers’ details and the vaccination details in the health log book or vaccination card. 


The home-based food business owner should also register her premise in FOSIM.  Yes! Even you prepare your food product at your house, you still need to register your house as the food premise.  If you are setting up a company for this home-based business, you may wait until you obtain a trading license first then register your food premise. Otherwise, you may also register using your own name.  It’s a 15-min registration if FOSIM line is smooth and you received email from FOSIM admin in a short time.


Home-based food business owner should abide to Food Hygiene Regulation 2009. In fact, they could apply Home-based Food certification to elevate their customers’ confidence against the product’s food hygiene and food safety. With that, food business owner not only implementing hygiene requirement but it also helps to promoting their product – having a cake and eat it too!                         





