24 August 2024


It is my pleasure to announced that JACKYZ SOLUTION had moved into a new premise on 1 August 24.  The premise is located at Institute of Science and Management (ISM).  it is a nice place, equipped with nice facility.  I have an individual office where I can do my business planning and paper work quietly.  It's so happy to have a "new home".

When JACKYZ SOLUTION is formed at 2019, I was actively conducting on-site Food handling Course (FHC) training in client's premise and public training rooms.  Besides Tawau,  I had conducted training at Kunak, Lahad Datu, Bukit Garam, Sandakan, Kundasang, Pitas and Kota Kinabalu. I had also went to Mantanani Island to conduct training.  I enjoyed travelling to train food handlers, having delicious food, meeting good people, printing certificates to food handlers for their business usage.  On 2020, my training business dropped tremendously during national's Movement Control Order. Fortunately on May 2020, BKKM was allowing us to conduct online training on FHC.  This had open up another opportunity as I can conduct training for every Malaysian.  Although they are challenges while transforming the training mode, I was keen to settle the challenges one by one.  I am very thankful that customers like my training arrangement and I appreciate their trust on me.

On June this year, I was so happy to obtain HRD Corp trainer's accreditation.  I am planning to develop more food safety courses in future.  If you are paying HRD fund for your employees, you may send your employees to attend my future HRD CORP courses and you can just claim the course fee from your HRD fund.  isn't it great?  If you have any idea about food safety knowledge that you wish your food handlers to learn in future, you are most welcome to drop your suggestion in the comment below this blog.  I am preparing surveys in the near future and I hope that I can collect feedbacks from you soon.  In the recent years, I always encourage students to practise what they had learned in class.  By doing this, food handlers will start building good habits in handling food correctly and maintain good personal hygiene.  There are once a leader of mine ever told me: "When all food handlers have a correct mindset of food handling, everybody is a Quality Control (QC) in food premise".  So, when food handlers attended Food Handlers Training AND practising the knowledge in the workplace, that is true learning. Agree? 

I was so lucky to accept an invitation to conduct FHC for 50 food handlers at Kapalai Resort on July 24.  I traveled by their boat and I gave my best training to the food handlers in the resort.  I appreciated the hospitality, the arrangement and the trust from my customer.  Although it is in big group, but I was still able to deliver the certificates to the company in the next day of training.  I was so blessed to experience big group training again, since 2019.   

For the past 5 years, I had trained 2,578 food handlers in the whole country.  It's not a great number.  However, I will continue to provide the best training I could for the food handlers.  Should you nreed to arrange FHC training for your food handlers, welcome to check our schedule and fill up the participants detail, I will respond to you in an hour.