29 July 2023


Food Hygiene is a series practices for preventing food borne illness, food borne injury and food borne spoilage.    It is a basic requirement for every food business owner or manager to implement while running food businesses.  Without food hygiene application, food business owners would face risks in business sustainability. 

Food hygiene practices emphasize on personal hygiene of every food handler, the cleanliness of equipment and the environment.  Customers will be impressed when they see clean facilities and nice-set, clean equipment as they move in.  Well-trained food handlers would know on how to have good personal hygiene.  With this service quality, they would be able prepare clean and delicious food that customers enjoy with peace of mind.    

Proper food handling will prevent food wastage. For example, when food is contaminated by flies, dirty hands, or even with the detergent, food handler should throw away the food in order to avoid food poisoning. Well, think about the amount of food waste. It’s a cost. However, if food handlers practicing food hygiene, they avoid the wastage.

When customer feel good about the environment, the food handlers and the food, this would build customers trust and royalty because they had a great experience dining here. Customers are more willing to dine in at a clean café where food hygiene is in place then at dirty café.  The personal hygiene and the food handling of food handlers would count too.  

Implementing food hygiene at workplace would develop personal growth in food handlers.  While they are learning to handling food correctly, they are also building a good habit in handling food at their home.  So, it will improve their concern about food safety.  

Customers love good food. But customers also expect clean premise, good service and hygiene food each time they visit the food premise. So, food hygiene should be strictly adhered in food premise.      


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