25 March 2024


I never think about obtaining a certification to be a trainer of Human Resource Development Corperation (HRD Corp) , at least not now. With the current income, I am still unaffordable to add a new project in my humble company. But, thanks to Asiana Hospitality Academy for sponsoring me to join the 5-days Train-The-Trainer (TTT) course. This course had opened my eyes.
It was an online TTT course that I joined. The trainer and most of the participants spokes good English. I learned not only the art of presenting but also the skills of engagement with participants and the way to develop a course. I learned about Quizizz website. This is an interesting game that ease trainer’s job and assist trainer to engage with their participants. I applied it in my current teaching. You / your food handlers will find it fun when you guys joined my face-to-face class.
I had become a certified trainer of HRD Corp after passing a 10-min assessment at day-5 of the course. And, I had conducted a 4-hours training for my assisting students. Through the training, I realised that I can actually conduct a more practical training for my students. I understand that people just do not wish to sit for 3 hours to listen to what I say. They won’t join if they do not need a certificate, I know. So, with the skills I learned from TTT course, I am hoping to create more engaged course in my future classed.

I engaged a camera man to record the whole 4-hour session. And, I took about a month to prepare accredited trainer’s assessment ( by co-incidence it was Chinese New Year holiday) and I had just submitted the assessment reports and records to HRD Corp 2 weeks ago. I am now awaiting the approval of accredited trainer application. Hopefully I will pass so that I can bring my career to another level.
I am hoping to contribute my knowledge to the society in training career.

12 March 2024


Since MCO at 2000, I had switched our Food Handling course’s training mode to ONLINE training. Thanks to Food Safety Division of Malaysia Ministry of Health to introduce online class method for food handlers in Malaysia.
When we were given greenlight to conduct ONLINE course, I was so excited to make preparations for the new training method. I learned about ZOOM applications and subscribe it, I learned to prepare the course quizzes, tests, and application forms with google form. It was cool and I can’t wait to start the ONLINE course as soon as possible.
In my first online course, I remembered the officer gave me a good grade in his evaluations. However, after sometimes, I faced several challenges such as students are unable to focus on the slides, the students’ Telco lines are poor and sometimes I can’t conduct enough hours. The officer shown me the non-compliances while they do spot checking and when they checking on the recorded ZOOM training. They gave me a few warning letters about the non-compliances. And, I remember there is a final warning letter stating that if I repeat the same problem, my school will be delisted from the Food Handlers Training School listing! However, due to the ONLINE course is my only choice of business during MCO, I overcome them one by one. Eventually, I know how to deal with it and I am loving it, pretty much.
I enjoyed amending the online course operations in these 2-3 years to suits customer’s and the whole operation’s needs. Today, some of my clients keen on attending my ONLINE course, even I had started to organize FTF course.
The registration is pretty simple. When you want to register class, click on the link I give, you will see application forms in 3 languages, click on anyone of them (that you are comfortable to read with), pick a course date, key in your (teams) details, check the class rules and submit. That’s it!
After I check your submission, I will send you / each of your team member a confirmation messages with a You Tube video, which showing how to download the ZOOM application. After I check your (team’s) detail, I will require you to make payment on the course fee. After receiving the payment, I will invite every participant to join my whatsapp group. In the whatsapp group, I will send another You Tube video to brief your roles when attending our class. A day before the ONLINE class, I will confirm your name and document no with you. And, I will send a ZOOM link in the group.
All you need to do during the course day, is just to click on the ZOOM link 15 minutes before the class started. Once you are in, just focus on the slides and following instructions until the class ended. That’s it!
After the course, I will key in the course details at a MOH’s website and apply certificate no for each student. I was then printing certificates, put them in envelope and arrange to deliver them to my students. Do my students need to pay the courier fee? Don’t worry, I will bear the cost!
The followings are the FAQs based on the questions I received from day 1 of my ONLINE class til today. Do have a look. May be it’ll helps.
Q1. How much is the ONLINE class’s fee? Is it the same as usual?
A1. Yes. RM50 per person only.
Q2. How and when to make payment ?
A2. You may initiate bank transfer to our company's account the latest a day before the course day.
Q3. When and how could I receive the course attendance certificate?

A3: After the class, we will whatsapp you the certificate softcopy in advance. We will courier the hardcopy to you in the next day via popular courier such as J & T, ABX and poslaju, or even by bus.

***If you are in Tawau, I will give you by hand.

***If you are students of Asiana Hospitality Academy, I will courier to the college.
Q4. Who can join this course?
A4 All food handlers who is bearing IC, passport and IMM13.
Q5. When is your next class?
A5. We are updating our class schedule in here almost every 3 days. You may check in here anytime. Do bookmark the link in your device. You may need it someday.
Q6. I do not know how to attend ONLINE course. How is it?
A6: No worries. After you register with us, you will be sent You Tube videos to show the know-how. Just follow the steps and you will attend the course comfortable. If you do not have ONLINE course experience yet, I encourage you to try. You will love it!
Q7: I / my staff do not familiar with online stuff / the HP is old version / does not have HP. I think ONLINE class does not suits me / my staff. Do you have FTF class?

A7: Yes, I am organizing FTF class in Tawau once a month. If you are outside Tawau but in Sabah’s city / town like Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Lahad Datu, Kunak, Semporna etc, you may request me to organize a class at your place with a condition that you have minimum 20 students. If you had the enough number of students, welcome to call me at 013 836 5247.
If you do not have the number, and you really can’t do ONLINE course, you still can arrange another staff / friend / family member to assist the student during the ONLINE class. Anyway, I strongly recommend you to learn about attending the ONLINE course. It’s so convenient and fun (you can check the testimonial in my application form). I want to share with you an experience that make me proud. I have a student at the age of 70, who has zero knowledge about ZOOM. She insist to learn by herself and she is able to access my ZOOM class based on my guidance before the class. If she can do it, I believe you can do it too!
Q8: What should I prepare before I attend the class?
A8: Yes, please refer to the rules (photo above). And, please download the class notes. You will need it while attending the course.
Q9. I attended this course before but I lost my certificate / my certificate is burnt. Is it possible for me to have the certificate again?
A9. If you attended my class, I will have your record. We can reprint the certificate for you. With that, we need your signature on a re-application letter of certificate. The fee is RM25.00. If you were not my student, you need to apply with the school which you attended before. Otherwise, you need to re-attend the course.
Actually, it is good to re-attend the course so that you / your team member can have refreshing training.
Q10. I had registered your class but unfortunately, I have an emergency on the course day. May I send a representative to attend?
A10: I am sorry. You cannot do so. You may attend in my next class at no extra charge. If your whole team cannot attend the pre-arrange class. You may suggest another date and time. Give me about 3 days allowance for me to apply a class.
Q11: May we share a HP to attend course?
A11: Sorry, the answer is NO. Each person should have their own device (Smartphone, iPAD or computer) to attend the course.
Q12: I find none of the course date and time combinations is suitable for me / us, is there any other date / time?
A12: You may suggest a date and time other then those date and time combination, if your side has more than 6 persons. I will check if I can arrange an additional class. Anyway, if your side has less than 6 persons (to join the class), please follow my schedule or give me a week’s time to recruit students.

To register a new class, I need at least 3 days from the day we both confirm the class date.