25 March 2024


I never think about obtaining a certification to be a trainer of Human Resource Development Corperation (HRD Corp) , at least not now. With the current income, I am still unaffordable to add a new project in my humble company. But, thanks to Asiana Hospitality Academy for sponsoring me to join the 5-days Train-The-Trainer (TTT) course. This course had opened my eyes.
It was an online TTT course that I joined. The trainer and most of the participants spokes good English. I learned not only the art of presenting but also the skills of engagement with participants and the way to develop a course. I learned about Quizizz website. This is an interesting game that ease trainer’s job and assist trainer to engage with their participants. I applied it in my current teaching. You / your food handlers will find it fun when you guys joined my face-to-face class.
I had become a certified trainer of HRD Corp after passing a 10-min assessment at day-5 of the course. And, I had conducted a 4-hours training for my assisting students. Through the training, I realised that I can actually conduct a more practical training for my students. I understand that people just do not wish to sit for 3 hours to listen to what I say. They won’t join if they do not need a certificate, I know. So, with the skills I learned from TTT course, I am hoping to create more engaged course in my future classed.

I engaged a camera man to record the whole 4-hour session. And, I took about a month to prepare accredited trainer’s assessment ( by co-incidence it was Chinese New Year holiday) and I had just submitted the assessment reports and records to HRD Corp 2 weeks ago. I am now awaiting the approval of accredited trainer application. Hopefully I will pass so that I can bring my career to another level.
I am hoping to contribute my knowledge to the society in training career.

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