27 May 2024


A food handler put a glass of hot water on our table after we ordered a meal.  I spontaneously replied: “Dik, kami tiada order air panas. Kami order Teh panas” The food handler smiles to us and said: “Bos, air panas tu untuk celup…” We then understand that the hot water is for sanitizing chopsticks, spoon and sauce plate.  We are happy to enjoy the food in the restaurant as the food handlers keen on handling food correctly.  The equipment is in good condition and clean.

Equipment in food premise are the tools, devices or machines for preparing food.  To ensure the hygiene of the food and contamination free, we ought to source smooth and easy to clean equipment, especially when there is food contact surface.  The food contact surface is the surface of the equipment that contact with food. For instance, the surface of a spoon that contact with rice.  Thus, when we are purchasing equipment for the restaurant or food factory, we should source the kind that easy to be clean. 
Do always check the condition of every equipment and repair the broken part.   Throw away the equipment if it couldn’t be repaired and replace it with a new one. Crevices on the equipment would easily trap left-over food, which would induce bacteria contamination.  And, when there is hazardous substance protruding from the broken equipment, it will harm consumers’ inner organ when they are using the broken equipment for meal
Wash equipment after using.  Make sure to wash them thoroughly. Do not allow food debris or dirt remain on hidden part of equipment.  Take a plate as an example, food debris might stay at the bottom of the plate. So food handlers must make sure the equipment is free of any food debris to avoid bacteria growth in it.  Having done that, do rinse with clean water to wash away the detergent and make sure that there is no detergent debris too.  When there is detergent debris, it is likely would cause chemical contamination on the food.  
The cleaned equipment should be dried naturally or to be wiped with clean towel.  The towel should be used only for wiping wet equipment only.  Do not use table rubbing towel or other usage towel to rub equipment so that to avoid contamination.  It is important to dry the equipment to avoid bacteria growth on the equipment.
The last step is to arrange the dried equipment tidily in a dry place.  A dry environment would avoid bacteria growth.  While arranging the equipment, food handlers could check the equipment condition.  And, they must make sure that their hands are clean while handling them.  At this stage, the equipment is ready to be used or to be served to the customers. At some restaurants, food handlers can arrange a glass of hot water for customer to sanitize the equipment, before using. 
Food handlers needs equipment for preparing food. Therefore, they should make sure the equipment is in good condition, clean and suitable to be used in food preparation, so to avoid food contamination.

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