05 July 2019

Food Handlers Training course

Food Handlers Training Course is introduced by the Malaysia's Ministry of Health on 2009.  The course containing food hygiene and safety elements that every Food Handlers should know.  It is a mandatory for food handlers in Malaysia to attend the course at least once in a life time.

The course is conducted by accredited trainers from accredited Food Handlers Training School, either in English, Bahasa Malaysia or Chinese.  The title of the course is

1. Food Handlers Training Course 
2. Kursus Latihan Pengendali Makanan (Bahasa Malaysia)
3. 食品处理人员培训课程 (Chinese)

Why should attend...

In 2009 Food Hygiene Regulations, Reg 30 (1) (2) (3) clearly stating that all Food Handlers should attend Food Handlers Training Course from accredited Food Handlers Training School (SLPM) and obtained certificate.  Failing fails to do so would be incurred penalty either

i. Not more that RM10,000 or
ii. 2 years imprisonment.

How much is the course...

The course fee is RM50/pax only. 

What is the benefit(s) of the course and certificate...

1) Food handlers would learn the correct ways of handling food in hygienic and safely. These practice will gain your customer's trust on the safety of your food products. 

2) Besides of your good quality products / delicious foods that is sold at your food store / restaurants, canteens / bakery etc, the competency of your food handlers will help attracting more customers to your premise (increase more sales) as more and more customers feel safe using your products / having meal at your premise.
3) Parent is feeling more safe to send their kids to your Nursery.

4) Obtaining certificate(s) enable your business comply one of the regulation in 2009 Food Hygiene Regulations.  You will felt easy to show your local Health officers during the inspection.  (Do not forget to get ready updated Health inspection card too)   

5) The certificate is valid for whole life. - no need to renew (unless required by Health officer*) 

6) The certificate is valid to be used for any food business throughout Malaysia! 

7) Bearing Food Handlers Training Course certificates will enable you to applying Food Safety Assurance Program such as MeSTI, GMP and HACCP.
8) If you are planning to enroll food business, obtaining Food Handlers Training certificate earlier will save your time when you are intensively preparing your food business.

9) If you are still a business, culinary, bakery or any food processing students, obtaining the certificate will get you more credit when you are applying job at those areas (as your employer would need the certificate to be shown to Health officers) 
Who should attend...

The followings are the definitions of Food Handlers according to 2009 Food Hygiene Regulations:

"food handler" includes any person who:-
(a) is directly involve in the preparation of food;
(b) comes into contact with food or food contact surfaces; and
(c) handles packaged or unpackaged food, or appliances, in any food premises;

So, persons who cook, prepare or process food, serve food to customers are fall under definition (a), maintenance or technician on machines or equipment, appliances are examples in definition (b) and food drivers, bakery staff, packers in food processing factory are examples for definition (c).  Are you one of them? 

If you are an admin or cashier who is not handling food or food contact surfaces in your premise, you are not required to attend the course. 

Where are the food handlers...

As per the definitions above, hawkers, restaurant, canteen, cafeteria, food truck, food store, food kiosks, catering, night market, hotels, resorts, nursery, and Food processing business owners should arrange their Food handlers to attend the course. Food processors could be Seafood processing factory, Palm Oil refineries, Noodles processing factories, Bakery factories, Bird Nest Processing etc. 

When should attend...

Before you commence your food business, do register you or / and your staff with SLPM to attend the course, and get the certificate after the course. Bearing this certificate, you can proceed to other application. Some business application like canteens and restaurants need the certificate before the business licence is approved from Town Municipal  Council (You may check from your local authority). If you are running your Food Business and you hired staff are yet to have Food Handlers Training Course Certificate, do send your staff to attend course as soon as possible.  The reason is Health Inspector could spot check your food premise.  As a businessman / women, we do not wish our business is "disturbed" with any unnecessary troubles. Do you?  So, it is always a good practice to arrange when you have staff working with you.   

How to register...  

Register the course at SLPM around your food business.  We, JACKYZ SOLUTION provides Food Handlers Training Course to our customers at Sabah's main cities.  Let's check our latest schedule.  Anyway, is your premise too far from our class stated in the latest schedule?  or the training appointment are not suitable ? No worries, we had think about it.  If your organization has 10 persons or more, do contact me to arrange a course AT YOUR PREMISE WITH THE DATE & TIME WE AGREED.  Sounds great isn't it?  Yes! We love to save your time and hassle to send your staff to our class. 

That is all about Food Handlers Course. If you like my sharings, kindly subscribe my blog and drop your email. You are also welcome to comment my blog.  Let us progress together to improve the Food Safety of Food Industries in our community. 


Jacky C 


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🔺 New to MeSTI? Want to know your existing MeSTI practice before audit? Welcome to contact us in English or Malay 
🔺Wish to attend / send your team to attend Food Handlers Training and obtain certificate? Do book your seat here in English or Malay   

Credit: Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health  


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