04 February 2020

Food Storage

The egg is deteriorate! Stop keeping in refrigerator... How to ensure the food in refrigerator is stored in clean and safe to be consumed? 

Well, we need to clean the refrigerator oftenly and throw the damaged food.  Otherwise, the bacteria or dirts on the damaged food could contaminate the other food.   

Secondly, do make sure all food are stored properly in refrigerator to avoid cross-contamination. For example, when we have cooked and raw foods that needs to be stored into the refrigerator, we need to isolate the foods in a way of cooked food should be put above the tray of raw food. This is to avoid cross contamination from the raw food to the cooked food.   

Third, do not store too much food (until all stucked / squeezed) in the refrigerator.  Doing this will causing each food couldn't be cooled efficiently and allow continously bacteria growth. 

Forth, all stored food should be kept for 3 days only.  Food storing more than that should be threw away.  

Hence, always make sure food in good condition so that our family members or our customers could enjoy good food.   

Credit: Food Safet and Quality Division, Labuan Federal Territory Health Department. 

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