07 May 2020

Dry food storing

When you had purchased raw material (for your production) or dry food for your family, how would you store the food ? Although they are dry food but it is important to store at the proper way to reduce contamination and deteriorate. Let us appreciate some the recommended methods.

Keep all cereal type food such as rice, beans and flour in a enclosed container and put it at cool place and dry. The storing environment should be in such a way because the wet condition with the presence of air will increase humidity and induce the growth of bacteria and mold. When it happen, the food will be contaminated which causing food poisoning. If the raw material is mis-handled and causing contaminated, it is also not suitable to be used for processing otherwise the final product would also be contaminated. Besides, pest such as cockroaches and mouse likes environment in drk and wet.

Purchased food / raw material should be placed at a place where the food is at least 20cm from the floor and at least 15 cm from the wall. Do not put the food on the floor. This is to avoid the contamination from the floor. So how do you "define" floor? Everyone knows what floor is. But, do bear in mind that every surfaces which is stepped by our foot is considered the "floor" and shouldn't be placed food on it.  For instance, the table which you step on it to work, the place in the vehicle which you step on it, the higher space (in a factory) which you step on it to work etc etc. 

Make sure the food storage is isolated from any chemical, even the food grade chemical.  We might use chemical to clean our food facilities and equipment or to do maintenance on our machines (in food processing plant).  Mixing them together could cause chemical contamination on food which could result food poisoning.  All chemical should be put in a chemical room. The room should be ventilated. Well, in the room, do further separate food grade and non-food grade chemical. The separation could be done via segregation or partition between 2 spaces.

The used chemical container is not suitable to keep food because the used chemical contains chemical excretion which could contaminate the food, especially when the chemical is heated. For instance, the used plastic bottles, if is kept in the vehicle that is parked under hot sun will result the bottle heated. You will feel the water is hot. Just imagine, if the water is hot, the plastic bottle might have "melt" a little, and excrete plastic substance into the water. Imagine the water is consumed inside out bottle. We could have chemical contamination!

Ideally the food storing room should have a good ventilation, an adequate lighting and a clean wall. With that, the humidity of the room is taken care and there is not contamination on the food.    

Credit: Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health

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