28 May 2020

PAH at food

PAH (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) is a pollutants resulted from incomplete combustion.  It is also excreted when cooking at high temperature on food with high fats.

This chemical is useful in industrial production but not in food. PAH is a carcinogenic to human by binding to cellular proteins and DNA, resulting cell damage which lead to mutations, tumour and finally cancer.  PAH also reduce the immunity function of the body.     

Factors that effects PAH contains in food are cooking method, burning temperature, smoking process, smoking stage, lipid contents, environment contamination and so on. Food that contain PAH has high level of fats that is grilled, smoked such as sate, meat, barbecues chicken, fish or meat. For instance, scientist discovered smoke fish and meat contains 200 microgram / kg of PAH, barbecued meat contain 130 microgram / kg, charcoal grilled on duck breast steaks without skin had 320 mikrogram / kg and so on. 

To reduce the PAH contents while preparing food, we could

1. Avoid barbecue directly on fire. Use wrappings such as banana leaves of aluminium foil while barbecue or using quarry.

2. Cook slowly, such as adjust small quantity or burning.

3. Throw / reduce fats in the food before barbecue

It is not to say that we should not consume high temperature cooking of food but just to reduce the frequency of consumption. With that we could have a better diet, for us and our family.


1. Sir Sazly Tulih
2. Health Education Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia
3. Science Direct

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