27 September 2023


Food business is always a demanding industry as food is a basic needs for everybody.   Before starting a food business, Malaysia food business owners ought to know the documents that Health inspectors would inspect during premise inspection. Even when you are running a food business, you should make sure the documents are maintained up-to-date.

Food Business Owner who had a premise should  register his food premise in Food Safety Information of Malaysia (FOSIM).  The definition of food premise including premise that  
1. premise that involved in manufacturing of food.
2. premise that catering or mass catering of food.
3. premise that food is prepared, processed, stored or serve for sales.
4. vehicles from which ready-to-eat food is sold.
Firstly, the premise owner can register as a FOSIM user. Next is to key in company information and follow by keying in the premise information. When all information is updated and submitted, a premise registration slip would be generated in PDF form in 5 second. Very easy.  Applicant can print out the slip, frame it and hang it in the premise where can be seen easily. Remember to prepare IC and trading license's softcopy before applying it.  The registration should be renewed every 3 years. When doing the renewal, applicant just need to update premise registration.  So far, Health department does not charge fee on premise registration.

 food handlers should obtain Food Handlers Training certificates by attending a 3-hours Food Handlers Training course.  There are 2 training mode of the course - Face-to-face and online class.  Food handlers are free to choose either one of the training mode with the same price.  Anyway, we would recommend ONLINE course as it is more convenience. Food handlers can choose any time and any in-house places (the pre-requisite is the environment should be quiet) to attend the online course.  After the course, a soft-copy of the certificate will be sent to every food handler or the company PIC and we will courier the hard-copy the next day.  Isn’t it convenient? Should you like it, kindly register to lock your seat (as only 15 seats is available for a class...)

Each f
ood Handlers should also have Anti-Typhoid Vaccination document.  The document should contain not lesser than followings
1. Food Handler’s detail
2. Anti-Typhoid Vaccination detail
3. Vaccination date
4. Next vaccination date
5. Doctor’s chop and signature
Normally the vaccine efficiency is 3 years. Bring the vaccination document from Doctor after vaccination and keep the card in food premise.

If you are food processor, you ought to have a minimum Food Safety Assurance Program to assure your products are produced in accordance to
the requirement of every food safety elements.  The program should be documented and implemented at all time. External audits would be held periodically to ensure the program is implemented correctly and efficiently.  The basic program that food processor can start with is Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI).  This program contains minimum food safety requirement such as Infrastructure design, sanitation and maintenance, food handlers, training, raw material control, processing control, packaging control, finish product storage control, chemistry control, transport and distribution control and traceability control.  
The food safety personnel would create standard operation procedures based on actual food processor practices and the food safety requirement.  Checklist would be used for food handler to do routine check on the food processing practice.  Third party document such as test reports, calibration reports, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) would be needed to support the food safety program.  
Both food business owners and food handlers should take the responsbility to obtain the 3+1 documents (only food processors need MeSTI certificate). Failing to have those documents could result penalties or imprisonment based on the regulation 3-7, 9-10, 30 & 31 of Food Hygiene Regulations 2009.  Thus, food business owners ought to pay attention on this matter.
Jacky Chung
FHC Trainer


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