09 September 2023


There are good and bad bacteria.  People utilize good bacteria to produce healthy food.  Bad bacteria contaminate food via many ways. So, food handler should initiate appropriate practices to prevent bacteria from contaminating food.
Every food handler ought to maintain personal hygiene all the time.  They should wear appropriate PPE to prevent bacteria and other contaminant to contaminate food. Food handlers also ought to have good practice and knowing the Do and Don’t while handling food. Food handlers should also avoid handling food when they have infectious diseases such as flu and had wound on hand.
Food handlers should use clean equipment to handle food.  However, they must check if the equipment is in good condition before using them.  They have to make sure every equipment is washed and dried probably. But they cannot use dirty towel to dry the equipment.  Food handlers must prepare additional set of equipment when handling 2 different kinds of food (high risk food and normal food, raw and cooked food) in the same time. They have to pick only good quality raw food and store them separately from the cooked food.   
Food handler should make sure the enclosed premise (like restaurant, cafĂ©, canteen) does not have holes or crevices to prevent any pest from entering the premise.  Always close the food, or keep the food in an enclosed container to avoid pest and other contaminant to contaminate the food.  Strictly prevent animals from entering the premise too as there are bacteria stays on any animal body.
Foot-activated waste bin should be used rather than the normal waste bin.  The earlier waster bin does not require hand touch on the waste bin cover, thus reduce the chances of contamination on hands. However, food handlers must wash hands after handling waste. Each day, the waste should be thrown into a bigger waste collection centre. Keep the waste bin closed and do not allowing the waste being kept in waste bin for more than a day.  Pest could be attracted by the sting smell of the waste.  The filled plastic bag (with waste) should be tied and managed properly to avoid pest infestation.  Do take care the cleanliness outside the premise as the dirty environment could attract pest and to enter the premise. 
Raw and cooked food should be kept and handled probably.  They should control the food’s bacteria load by controlling the food temperature and the cooking time. Before cooking the food, practise appropriate thawing so that the raw material is thawed thoroughly.  On delivery, if the food is stored with temperature, food handler should arrange so that the food is delivered with the designated temperature, to prevent the food from spoiled.
When we know how bacteria grow, we will know how to plan on food handling to avoid bacteria grow on food.  What are your practices to prevent bacteria from contaminating your food?  Welcome to drop some lines in the comment for us to learn together.      

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