08 April 2024


When my customers, who is also a food business owner call to register their food handlers to attend Food Handlers Training course (FHC), I used to share my other blog about the essential documents food business owners needs to have when they want to run a food business in Malaysia.  These documents are as a proof that they had comply certain requirements in Food Hygiene Regulations 2009.  However, there is another question arise when they comply these requirement -  Would food handlers handling food correctly after they attending FHC?


I always tell students in the beginning of the course that they would receive many information about food hygiene and food safety practice in the 3 hours course.  And, I encourage them to practice the knowledge in the workplace so that they can remember the concept and skills and eventually make the practices a habit.   If they do not do that, it is likely they will forget more than 75% of the course content.   For now, food handlers are just need to attend the course once in a life time. They do not need to go through a refreshing training.  So, if food handlers practice the food handling knowledge, they would improve and maintain the correct food handling practice.


Last 2 months, I had organized a practical food handling course for FREE. I invited my regular customers to attend the course. Although the response is not up to my expectation, I did it as I need to record the course for my HRD Corp Trainer assessment. There were several representatives from Amber Park Porridge CafĂ© and a retiree attending the course.  I am taking this opportunity to appreciate their supports in the course.  In the course, I design several activities for students to refresh on what they learned from me before. I was really happy when they still remember the correct food handling practice.  Some of them attended my course 3 years ago and yet they still remember the course content.


When food handlers understand the importance of food hygiene and food safety, and they practice it, day by day, they are actually building a habit and this help them automatically preventing their customers from suffering of food poisoning. And, they would attend future premise inspection confidently, as they know what should they do and what shouldn’t they do while handling food.


Well, what is the importance of getting your food handlers to maintain the correct food handling practice, from the aspect of business? Imagine when your food handlers concern about food hygiene and safety, they will make sure the handling does not cause food contamination and to prevent your customers from suffering food poisoning. With that, did you noticed that your food handler team is actually taking care of your business?   So, food handlers must have a strong foundation of food handling practice. And, this couldn’t be achieved by only attending a course.

One of the requirements of MeSTI holder is that every food handler must has a attendance certificate of Food Handlers Training Course.  The QC team, not only to arrange all new food handlers to attend the course, but they also design and organise internal training for every food handler. This is to ensure every food handler to have refreshing training so that they can always remember the correct way of handling their food products.


Some restaurant management team remind their food handlers about correct food handling by gathering the team in a weekly meeting, where they discuss various of circumstances and issues the food handlers team encounter daily.  And the team has mutual agreement of new job arrangement in the meeting.  There are also restaurants utilise checklist to check if certain practices are done.  For example, the cleaning checking in toilet.  This is also another good reminder for the food handler team to remember their responsibility to ensure hygiene.  MeSTI certifited food factory is practicing the checklist system intensively. They need to keep the checklist as the proof during audits or when there is a need to retrieve food inspection data.   


Therefore, practicing the knowledge of FHC content would gradually improving the food handling skills of food handlers and maintain the food hygiene and safety in food premise.   

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