22 April 2024


 There was a restaurant at my residential area that sells delicious food.  And, I used to have breakfast at there when I do not have any reasons to go to out from my residential area.  The restaurant owner installed a TV in the restaurant. Each time when I visit the restaurant, the TV is playing good Hong Kong movies. And most of the time I was enjoying breakfast while watching the movies until the end of the show.


But I seldom visit the restaurant after MCO mainly because the food is cooled each time I reached there.  I know it’s good to go the restaurant early morning so that I can enjoy warm, delicious and safe food. However, sometimes I just can’t go out early morning due to some house chores, some paper works to do and so on.  By the time I reach there, the food is cool and not delicious.  So, normally when I just can come out from home after 8am, I directly went to town to source other breakfast.   


I didn’t visit that restaurant at all since another restaurant is set up on late 2022, until Feb 2024.  There a day, when I passed by that restaurant, I glanced a new stuff in it, which inspired me! The boss installed a Food Warmer! Few days later, I decided to try the food. I reach there, pick some food I like, the food handler put the food on plate and pass to me. So, I bring my food, take a fork and spoon and sit down on a table to have breakfast. Vow! The food is hot and delicious. Well, since then I always have breakfast at there. And, I saw that restaurant has many customers too. I think other customers have the same thought as mine.  The food tasted delicious when it is hot. Another point that attracted me is the price. The cost is cheaper but you will feel full because the food handler (sometimes the boss) gave more food quantity to the customers.

Food is safe when the food temperature is maintained at least 60oC. On that temperature, it is very unlikely that bacteria could grow and contaminating the food.  This is a way to avoid food poisoning.  When we attend any buffet event, we will see food is kept in food warmer.  And, the food is covered to avoid contamination by dirty air or pest (the fly).  Well, how customers / guests take the food? Food Handler would place a big ladle besides each food container. Normally the ladle is placed on a plate.  So , the guest would take the big ladle to take the food and place on own plate, and then put it back on the plate. This is to avoid bacteria (by hands) on the ladle handle contaminating the food.


When food business owners / managers want to serve food for a period of time, it is very crucial to arrange the food into food warmer so that customers can enjoy delicious and safe food. 


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