26 December 2019

Date informations on packaged foods that you ought to know

When choosing packaged food to hypermarket, we can see there are different kind of date printing.  The most common wording are 


What are the difference? Many people do not understand, thinking that after the date printed on packaged food means not saved to be eaten.  Actually, for "BEST BEFORE", if the food are stored after the date, it can still be consumed, only that the food quality is decreasing.  After the date, we can check the odour, taste and the texture of the food.  Normally the food can still be kept for less than 90 days. Whereas for "USED BEFORE", after the date, the food is not safe to be consumed.

Food processor should determine the expiry date on the packaged food, after studying the ingredients and process type. For instance, the ingredients which also have its expiry dates. 

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