22 December 2019

Would you eat at such place?

A restaurant were spot checked and many terrible situation were found. Do you think the authority should give "0" mark to this restaurant in the premise inspection?  

Yes, it happen that the authority ever give 0 mark to this kind of restaurant.  Well, I believe you would not have appetite to  have food in here after you saw the terrible and disgusting situation. 

Food Handlers should always aware about the food hygiene.  If our premise is not hygiene, we will attract pests to contaminate our premise, equipment and food. When our food are contaminated, it will resulting our customer suffer from food poisoning.  let's see what are the non-conformances in food premise - 

1. Food Handlers is not taking Typhoid vaccination and not attending Food Handlers Training Course. 
2. Food Handlers is not wearing apron, closed shoe (wearing only slippers), have long nails, and wearing accessories when handling food. 
3. Using rubber hose that was allowed touching the floor with water.
4. Dish washing place and glass is put adjacent to drain (that causing odour in the premise) 
5. Do not have proper ventilation and lighting in food preparing area.
6. Using used paper and carton to store raw food and culinary equipment.
7. Putting raw food directly on the floor with water, without storing container or liner 

8. Raw food is not arranged properly according to FIFO (First-in-First-Out) system
9. Not using clean towel and doing varies of cleaning activity with only one (1) tower. 

10. Not registering premise via FOSIM Domestic system before the commencement of food business.  
11. No periodically pest control (Cockrachers, Fly & mouse) in the premise.
12. Culinary equipment is not in proper condition, rusty, chopping board is dirty etc etc.
13. Raw food is stored too closed in freezer.

14. Stagnant water in kitchen.

And many more....

These are perhaps a bunch of food handlers / food premise which is only cares about profits then food safety.  Let us avoid this situation in our food business.  Think about the consistency on food business and make sure food hygiene and safety is taken care of.       

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