21 March 2020

Is the ice you bought (for your food business) save?

Ministry of Health (MOH) acknowledged the recommendation from YB Tuan Phee boon Poh, the Penang Welfare, Society and Environment Exco that published on The Star on 19 February 2020. In the article, YB is recommending the public not to consume the ice that is from the unknown source and the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be infected via liquid.  With that, MOH is making the following information to the public.  
"Ice Standard and license requirement that ice manufacturers should comply is stated at  Regulation 394A, 1985 Food Regulations.  The processed ice should be derived from treated water source and gone through disinfectign by several technologies such as ionize radiation technology, ultra-violet and so on. Besides, based on current studies and informations about COVID-19, the compliance of standard and license requirement by the ice manufacturers could ensure the processed ice is save."    
"Food Quality and Safety Division of MOH would also frequently survey Ice manufacturers in this country in order to make sure Ice Manufacturers comply the regulations. Until now there are 156 ice manufacturers throughout the country bearing ice licence under MOH while there are 16 Ice manufacturers are still in the midst of certification."
"On 2019, there are 140 Ice Manufacturers are found operating without license.  19 of them were taken actions while 122 more manufactuers would be taken action in this year. Ice Manufacturer owners who is operating the ice manufacturing without license from MOH will be fined not more than RM10,000 or imprisonment not more than two (2) tahun."
To apply / maintain Ice license, one should comply MeSTI requirement.  the requirement for ice is strict as ice is a ready-to-eat food. Each year, Ice Manufacturers should sample water and the produced ice to the designated laboratory to do analysis.  Manufacturers who passes ALL parameters stated at Schedule 25A for the 2 samples only is given the certifications of Ice Licence (same to the maintenance of license)    

Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah 
Director of Ministry of Health
25 February 2020

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