17 March 2020

Sustainable Food Business...

Three restaurants at Penang were ordered to closed for 14 days by Penang Town Municipal (MBPP) as the result of cockroaches, mouse body and feces were found in the kitchens, on a Thursday of Feb 2020.  There were also seven compounds being issued after inspecting 6 premises. 

When initiating a food business, food business owners might have a very strong reason to start with, perhaps delicious food, premise's design, strategic locations, fair prices etc etc. We could have a lot of promotions / ways to increase food business, maintain or expand it. However, there is one thing that food business crew should do everyday - to maintain the hygienic of the premise.

when premise (restaurant / cafe / canteen) is not clean, it will attract pest such as cockroaches, mouse and flies to contaminate the premise, equipment and food.  Just imagine, when contamination happens, customers consumed the contaminated food and suffer from food poisoning.  It will have the following impacts -

1. Customers reduced, business reduced
2. Customers help to "promote" the dirty premise
3. Health officers ordered to close premise for 14 days
4. Food Handlers are requested to attend course again.
5. .....

Food Business is like a goose that lay golden eggs. Thus, food business owners should responsible for the food safety and respect their business.  make sure customers enjoy good and safe food. Maintaining clean premise is a habit and should be maintained by every food handlers in a premise. 

When premise, equipment and food is clean, it is one of a strength for food business owners to compete with others.   DO YOU AGREE?    

Credit: Astro AWANI

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