05 March 2020

Which type of cockroaches is normally found in food premises?

Cockroaches is a pest in the order Blattaria or Blattodea. They lives in dark and moisture places such as the closet crevices, underneath of refrigerator, in the closet, below the zinc and faeces tank. 

Cockroaches contaminate food when they are creep on food. The fur of the leg carries and spreading bacteria and viruses, worm eggs, fungus, and dirts.  This will cause food poisoning on the people who consumed the contaminated food.

Besides self controlling on pest in the premise, food business owner could also engage licensed Pest Control Company to control the pest infestation in the food premise. 

If there is presence of pest in the food premise, the enforced officer could order to close the premise, under section 10 & 11, 1983 Food Act, involving issuance of Hygiene Notice and to close the unsanitory food premise. 

Thus, do make sure that food premise is free from pest, mainly the cockroaches, fly and mouse (commonly call in short as LILATI). 

Credit: Food Safety & Quality division, Labuan Federal Territory Health Department

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