19 March 2020

Used Cloth as Towel...? NO.....

Have you seen people / are you using the used cloth as towel to rub tables or food equipments?  NO! we should avoid this practice.  Why? Let's check it out -

Used cloth, could be not washed since that last "used".  Imagine, when using it to rub things. How many surfaces were rubbed? How many times it was washed and disinfected after used (or just rinse and dry it?)

Studies show that used cloth contain Escherichia coli, Salmonella and several other pathogens which could cause cross contamination and contaminate food.  What would happen if we consumed these pathogens or toxin? Yeap, it will incurr food poisoning, and can be lethal when over dehydration. 

Anything we could do to avoid the contamination? Yes, definitely...     

1. Use only clean towel and clean it with soap (after use), disinfect by rinsing with hot water and throw it away when the cloth are broken.
2. Separate the cloth usage according to purposes.  It would be nice if can separate with colours. 
3. Could also use disposable towel. 

Credit: Madam Erma Nur Shadila (Food Technologist Officer )

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