21 January 2020

4 information about FORMALIN that Food Handlers should know...

1. Formalin is derived from formaldehyde which is a known cancer-causing agent.  It is a preservative that COULD NOT be use in food.  

2. It is supposely to be used in furniture industry, body perservatives material and so on with the purpose to kill bacteria.  Even worms doesn't consume  body that applied with Formalin.

3. However, formalin is always being mis-used in food such as fish and fish products, Noodles, Tauhu so that the food can be kept longer and no odour.  When you see

3.1 NO flies on fish
3.2 Fish SMELLS like medicine smell, perhaps the fish already being applied formalin. 

4. The long term impact for consuming food (that contaminated with formalin) are causing cancer, damaged on liver and kidney and mental disturbance

Thus, business person should stop using it. Be kind to your consumers... 

Credits: Sir Sazly Tulih

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