23 January 2020

5 Keys of Food Safety practices to avoid food poisoning?

1. Keep Hygiene

Bacteria can be widely spread to soil, water, animals and human beings via hands, towel, and kitchen equipment, especially the chopping board. Thus, we must 

1.1 always wash hands, especially before adnd after preparing food, and after visiting toilet. 
1.2 wash equipment that is used to prepare food.
1.3 protecting kitchen from pest contamination.

2. Separate cooked food from raw food. 

2.1 Separate raw food like chicken, meart and seafood from cook food.
2.2 Use separate kitchen equipments like knife and chooping board for preparing raw food. 
2.3 Keep food in container to avoid raw food contacting with cooked food.

3. Cook in a correct way.

3.1 Make sure the food is cooked thoroughly, especially meat, chicken, eggs and seafood.  When boiling fish and meat, make sure the boiled water is clear and not redished. Studies showed that food which is cooked above 70oC is save to be consumed. 
3.2 Reheat the cooked food, if the food is geting cool, before 2 hours keeping.
3.3 Use thermometer to measure temperature.

4. Keep food in save temperature.

4.1 Do not keep food more than 2 hours.  During room temperature, in between 5 - 60oC, bacteria can grow rapidly.
4.2 Keep the cooked and perishable food in refrigerator (below 5oC).
4.3 Keep the temperature of cooked food more than 60oC before serving.
4.4 Do not keep the food too long even in refriegerator. 
4.5 Do not let the frozen food thaw in room temprature.

5. Use clean water an draw food.

5.1 Use clean or treated water.
5.2 Choose fresh and safe raw food. Toxin could be released from bacteria that grow on damaged food. 
5.3 Choose fresh food. Wash fruits and vegetable before cooking / consume.
5.4 Avoid eating packaged food that had expired.         

Credit: Food Safety & Quality Division, Kedah State Health Department

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