12 January 2020

How important is hand washing?

Do you think hand washing is very important, not so important or not important at all? Let the following experiment tell ya..

A primary school teacher, Ms Jaralee Annice Metcal at USA initiate a simple bread experiment for the student.  She prepared 5 breads and do the followings
Bread 1: Placed on computer
Bread 2: Untouched
Bread 3:  Touched with unwashed hands
Bread 4: Touched with washed hands (Washing using hand wash and rinse with water)
Bread 5: Touched with hands (that is applied with Sanitizer) 

Having done that, the breads are kept into plastic individually and seal.  Guess what ! After 3-4 weeks, there are changes on the breads, as followed   

Bread 1: Dark grey
Bread 2: Colour unchanged
Bread 3:  Grey-Yellow colour (Growing of mold) 
Bread 4: Colour unchanged
Bread 5: Growing of mold

Although this is a simple project, Ms Jaralee said it could shows the importance of hand washing (as we see at Bread no 4).  Thus,we should make sure we wash our hands 

1. before we prepare food
2. before we have meal
3. after we visited toilet
4. after we throw rubbish
5. whenever we feel that our hands are dirty

as microbes, virus, fungi is everywhere (as long as the place consist of Oxygen) .

Credit: Sin Chew Net

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