25 January 2020

Is Malaysia cultured shrimp is save for consumption?

In response to the press <THE STAR> in a news entitled "Shrimp Danger - Farmes use illegal antibiotics to treat shrimp" on 4 Jan 2020 that giving negative impact to the Malaysia shrimp farming industries, the Department of Fisheries (DOF) would like deliver feedback to the public on this issue.  
DOF is taking samling against fishes and shrimps samples to survey the antibiotic contains menjalankan persampelan ke atas sampel-sampel udang dan ikan untuk memantau kandungan antibiotik iaitu chloramphenicol (CAP), Nitrofuran (NF) dan Nitroimidazole (NI).
 2,466 samples were taken since 2008 until now and were analysed at accredited DOF Biosecurity laboratory.  It is certified that no prohibited antibiotic substance were detected in all samples.  

Credit: Department of Fisheries (DOF)

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