21 April 2020

8 Useful tips to use refrigerator correctly

Refrigerator is an essential equipment to store food longer, especially in this Movement Control Order when we have to stay at home most of the time. Using refrigerator correctly would ensure us to consume safe food and to enjoy the food. Below are the tips you must know -

1. Refrigerator should be put in a place that have good ventilated, isolated from heat source and sunlight.

2. The temperature range of chiller should below 4oC whereas the range for freezer should be in between -18oC to 0oC. You can check my putting a thermometer in it.

3. The capacity of refrigerator enable to cool all pars of food until the designated temperature in a short period.

4. Do not store the food too close. Storing too close will reduce air ventilation in cooling the food.

5. Clean the refrigerator weekly, using suitable disinfectant to avoid odour smell, dirts and fungus.

6. Do not open and close the refrigerator too often and allowed to open in a long time as the temperature will increase.

7. Make sure the refrigerator is closed probably and tight. Make sure the door seal is functioning well.

8. If refrigerator does not have Automatic Defrost Setting, make sure there is no thick ice in the refrigerator space and always clean it to make sure it is efficiently functioning.

We put food into refrigerator so that the food is cooled. the lower temperature of food, the more difficult for bacteria to multiply. So, maintaining the refrigerator in good condition is important.


Credit: Food Safety and Quality Division, Labuan Federal Territory Health department

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