23 April 2020

Cleaning & sanitation

Sanitation in food safety program referring to the disinfecting of equipment and facilities (after cleaning) in order to kill microorganism. Equipment which is not adequately or efficiently sanitized would have microorganism such as bacteria, fungus and virus remain on equipment surface, resulting contamination during food preparation / processing.

Equipment and facilities could be sanitized either using Chlorine solution. Chlorine solution could be made by diluting Sodium Hypochlorite to the designated concentration. The solution could sanitize equipment. the result could be verified by doing SWAB test on the equipment / facility. The cleanliness of equipment / facility would resulting less bacteria contained on the food that contacting the surfaces of equipment /factory during processing.

Sodium Hypochlorite is a common, cheap and efficient sanitizer that is used in food processors. Nevertheless, the cons of using Chlorine are

1. It could evaporate in about 1-2 hours and need to monitor it's concentration.
2. Preparing more concentrated Chlorine solution would affect operator's health/
3. corroding steel material / low quality stainless steel in a long run, which will induce food contamination.

If we are able to control the above matters, Chlorine Hypochlorite is a sanitizer. Another sanitation method is using hot water. YES, hot water that above (90oC) When food is cooked above 80oC, the high temperature will kill the bacteria. Same goes to equipment / facility. Heat from hot water will kill bacteria remained on the equipment / facilities' surface. Some restaurants personnel dip fork, spoon, chopstick into hot water while serving to customer.

Before sanitation, we must make sure the equipment / facility is clean properly. We can choose either sanitation method that suitable to our practice. Having done that, do let the equipment / facility dry. Avoid allowing moisture as it will induce fungus and bacteria growth.
Credit: Food Safety and Quality Division, Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya Federal Territory Health department

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