04 April 2020

Is your Refrigerator ready for panic buying ?

In this critical period, many of us might do panic buying.  When this happen, it would increase the risk in your refrigerator. Why? let us think about these - 

When raw food quantity is more compare to normal purchasing, refrigerator will have to occupy more food.  When this happen, ventilation of cool air at the temperature might be poor and resulting each food couldn't be cooled thoroughly.  This condition would induce bacteria growth and deteriorate the food.  So, we must figure out how to make sure the refrigerator can maintain the food quality.

Here are the tips - 

1. Clean the refrigerator once a week.
2. Do not store foods too close
3. Arrange and keep food in clean container and close it
4. Isolate cooked and raw food.
5. Practise FIFO system
6. Always check the refrigerator temperature

Hope these tips might help.  Let us stay strong.   

Credit: Food Safety & Quality Division, Labuan Federal Territory Health Department   

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