11 April 2020

How to deliver food safely?

Malaysia government had encouraged the people to use food delivery service in this Movement Control Order i order to restrict the movement. With that, the Ministry of health had introduce a guideline to to deliver food safely so that to reduce the risk of food contamination. 

There are 4 procedures that we should concern.  if you are food deliver personnel, have a look at these information - 

Procedure 1: Food delivering vehicle requirement
1.1 The vehicle should be functioning, clean and in good condition. 
1.2 The vehicle should be used to keep food only.
1.3 Driver should make sure to deliver the food to consumer as soon as possible. (No stops during delivering)
1.4 Driver to use Thermal bag that could keep temperature.

Procedure 2: Thermal Bag cleaning guideline
2.1 Wash hands before cleaning the bag
2.2 Use clean cloth
2.3 Spray sanitation liquid onto the clean cloth
2.4 Rub the bag from inner surface to outer surface of the bag.
2.5Practise procedure 2.1-24 before every delivery. 

Procedure 3: Food delivery requirement
3.1 Make sure the thermal bag clean. 
3.2 Make sure the food package are not opened or torn. 
3.3 Make sure the delivery commencing time is stated on the packaging material.
3.4 Make sure the own belongings are not put together with the delivered food. 
3.5 Make sure the lid of Thermal bag is close tightly.

Procedure 4: During giving food.
4.1 Driver to wear face mask during giving the food to customers. 
4.2 Avoid to contact customer during giving food. 
4.3 Keep 1 meter length from your customer. 
4.4 Frequent washing hands and use sanitizer before and after giving food.

With that, we hope that this info helps in your business and may us stay strong to go through this MCO together.    

Credit: Food Safety & Quality Division, Ministry of Health

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