07 April 2020

Guidelines for picking raw food

In this Movement Control Order (MCO), husbands are given buying lists to buy foods as the government had limited only 1 person from a household to go out to for important tasks.  There are also news from social media that husbands are calling their wifes to confirm the right foods that to be bought.  Let us share with you some guidelines for you to select good food:    

1. Fresh vegetables & fruits

- Not wilt and dry
- No discoloured and odour smell
- Soft

2. Fresh fishes

- Shinny and bright skin
- No thick slime on skin
- Clear, bright eyes without immersed
- Light red gills
- No odour smell
- Good textile meat.

3. Fresh meat

- Light red colour
- No odour smell
- No slime
- Not much fats
- Good textile meat

4. Fresh chicken :

- Light coloured skin and not bruise
- No slime and odour smell
- Good textile meat
- Not much fats

5. Fresh Shrimp / Prawns:
- Bright colour skin and shinny 
- No loose / cut head
- No odour smell
- Good textile meat

6. Fresh eggs:

- Avoid select cracked, broken eggs and perforated with feces / dirts

7. Cereals and grains

- No moisture or wet
- No rot or with fungus
- No containing pest or foreign matter

8. Processed food: 

Avoid buying can food which is tinted, broken, rusty, bruise and with expired date.

Hope that this guidelines can help you while purchasing on superstores. Stay at home and let's pray for a better tomorrow! 

Credit: Sir Sazly Tulih

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