14 April 2020

Panic purchasing - Risk of food contamination

The government had emphasized since in the beginning of MCO that there is no need to do panic purchasing as they would ensure that the material supplies are adequate during this critical time. Nevertheless, there are also people doing panic purchasing and might have overlook the risk of doing it.

First of all, we should buy according to our needs. It is because certain foods are perishable and easily damaged. For instance, noodles, bread, onion, red chilly etc. Too much buying will resulting food easily broken and have to throw away.  It is even worst if we do not apply FIFO on food storing (at refrigerator) 

Second, when buying in bulk, we must also make sure we have enough space on refrigerator. When the refrigerator is packed with food and have less flowing of cool air, the food couldn't be cooled enough (4oC or below) and this will result food damage. Same goes to the frozen area. 

During purchasing, we must always check the condition of can foods. Otherwise the contaminated can food could cause bacteria infection. If we bought too much can food and overlook expiry date or too much to consume (until certain can food expired), this would causing wastage. Don't ever try to consumed expired food...

If you are purchasing to do food delivery, do make sure the food safety measure is practiced. For example, temperature control, packaging and storing method while delivery.  When food is kept too long (more than 2 hours) could induce food contamination by bacteria. 

It had been almost a month of MCO.  We know that there are available foods out there.  For now, you should be able to understand that it is important to keep appropriate quantity of food, apply FIFO so that we can always enjoy good quality food all the time.          

Credit: Food Safety & Quality Division, Kedah State Health Department

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