02 April 2020

What to check on contributed cooked food ?

In this Movement Control Order period, the Ministry of Health had prepared a Food Safety guideline checklist for us to make sure the contributed food are save to be consumed.  Let us be alert on the contributed food from other person / institution so that to avoid food poisoning.  Well, let's check it out the followings:

1. Make sure they are name / contact no and address of the contributor.
2. Observe the packaged food physical appearance if it is in a good condition. 
3. Practise concept see, smell and taste to check if the food have odour smell or stale. 
4. Observe if the food are prepared more than 4 hours.
5. Instant food, if need to be stored, make sure to store in a refrigerator and reheat the food before consumption.       

If food poisoning occur, do get treatment at the nearest clinic or hospital. Let's us be strong, pray and obey the MCO's rules in the critical period and may our business resume the soonest. 

Jacky C 

Credit: Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health

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